It’s hard to know where to begin. My beautiful mare, Layla was due at the beginning of March. As the weeks rolled by and she didn’t foal, I became increasingly anxious that I would miss her delivery while on a trip to Utah I had planned months ago. I was looking forward to a trip with the kids to meet my sister and nephew in Utah for a long overdue visit (FL and CA are a long ways away), but I desperately wanted Layla to deliver while I was home to care for her and the new foal.
Well, the days and weeks passed and before I knew it I was due to leave. Neil was to take over foal watch, as well as several good friends with some foaling experience. By some miracle, Layla went into labor on my last night in town and I watched her give birth to a beautiful colt around 5 am. (I was supposed to leave at 6 to make my flight). All seemed well and my irreplaceable friend Jennifer Phethean was already there to take over. Little did I know the problems that would arise that morning after I left.
When I landed in UT, I learned of all the troubles this little guy would face. There are no words to express my gratitude to Jenny for her expert care and quick and decisive decision making in this situation. After local vet Dr Jessica came and gave him plasma, it was clear he needed to get to an Equine hospital ASAP. Our boy couldn’t stand and was listless, in danger of crashing. With Theresa Vanden Heuvel and Skyler holding the little guy in the back of the trailer so he wouldn’t injure himself, Jenny hauled mom and baby to EMCO.
It’s like a terrible nightmare being away during this critical time. As those of you who know my day to day existence I rarely get “off the farm”. I’m immersed in horses and horse care 7 days a week. I know that there is nothing I can do at this point but trust the amazing people giving him 24 hr medical care at EMCO, and that it wouldn’t be any different if I was home. In order to survive, this guy needs professional medical care for an extended period of time.
He wants to live and I want to give him that chance. He is a fighter. I’m counting the days until I get back and can dream about bringing him home.